Spiritual Advising

Aligning your human and spiritual potential for your sovereign success, peak performance, united connection, deep fulfillment, and unparalleled impact.

You are fully aware of the bigness of your mission and you know that your energy and self-mastery are essential to your thriving success and impact.

What you really need is the support and embodiment work to master your energetic blueprint, intuition, and spiritual gifting.

Does this sound like you?

✓ You know the world needs your mission so energy mastery is of the utmost importance
✓ You deeply value energetic support and know it’s the secret weapon in your life and business
✓ You desire to make every decision from your higher self
✓ You know God's power working through you is next level
✓ You desire to catalyze your own spiritual potential, or as I like to call it, your superhuman abilities

If so, you’re in the right place.

 There are two ways to work with me in this Spiritual Advising Retainer:

1: Conscious Businesses + Companies 

For the conscious companies, this retainer equips you with the energetic & spiritual insight into making the most potent and aligned decisions that catalyze your ultimate success and effect on the rise of humanity. Know the right thing to focus on, at the right time, for the greatest outcome by leveraging Human Design & Gene Keys, my intuitive channeling, energy work, and embodied leadership. You may also want to understand how to optimize your team relationships through uncovering their Human Design and how those dynamics can be used skyrocket your company in various areas. My clients refer to this retainer as their “ultimate competitive advantage”.

2: Conscious Changemakers

For the conscious leader who desires to master yourself so you can master your mission, developing convicted clarity in your purpose, embodiment of your spiritual gifting, and deeply connected and fulfilling relationships in order to live fully expressed, aligned lives both personally and professionally, expanding into the highest evolution of yourself.

This retainer holds space for your energetic self-mastery and spiritual gifting. I know you’re not after more information or teachings, what you’re really craving is embodiment work on a spiritual capacity to master your energetic blueprint and intuitive codes for success in each domain of life. We dive deep into mastery of your Human Design, Gene Keys, spiritual gifting, and relationships so you can experience the clarity, connection, and fulfillment you deeply crave.

We both know this isn’t something you can go without as it positively affects and fuels every other domain in your life. 

This container is the energetic support you need to become all you are, where your human brilliance and spiritual gifting alchemize together to unleash your superhuman abilities. 

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 This work goes far beyond coaching. 

As a Seer, Healer, and Channel, I’m able to take everything into account at once—your energy, intention, vibration, and the REAL stuff “hiding” from you, but exposed to me in plain sight. 

My spiritual gifting, counseling degree, trauma certification, and years of experience guiding leaders allows me to see it all and I unveil it to you, bringing it all to the surface in the most safe and healthy way so we know where to go next.

In this retainer, I hold the space for you to be seen, felt, understood in a judgment-free way, allowing ultimate breakthroughs to surface, healing to take place, and up-leveled paradigms to be created.

We also bring in the grounding work of mastering your energetic blueprint by studying your Human Design and Gene Keys, so you can have a framework to intimately know yourself beyond surface level personality tests. The keys to your success in various domains of your life are quite literally in your DNA.

With those combined, I see exactly what you need to be doing that’s in alignment with your highest path and helps you stay energetically clear, grounded, and embodied. 

This takes all the guesswork out of it. I tune in to tell you exactly what you need to know so you can use your brilliance, save time, energy, and resources, allowing you to experience success the first time around- and I teach you how to do this for yourself so your sovereign success is inevitable long after our work together.

I’m in your corner, guiding you into your greatness and I will not ever let you settle for less than excellence in any domain in your life.

You have me to spiritually see into your business, life, relationships, and also support you with energy clearings and activations as you need them.

 What’s included in the monthly retainer?

  • Initial 90-minute integration call upon acceptance to dive deep into your goals and unique energetic blueprint

  • A custom, in depth reading of both your Human Design and Gene Keys charts

  • Custom-tailored support to your needs

  • Weekly intuitive channeled report around your energetic forecast for the week, with guidance around areas to hone in on and optimize

  • Weekly/bi-weekly/or monthly, 60 minute zoom calls

  • Support via the Voxer app in between calls for extra support as you desire it (this will vary depending on your desired level of support)

  • Energy Clearing, Activation & Recalibration sessions as you need them

  • 6 or 12-month retainers

Investment: Starting at $1,500/month and up, depending on the level of access you desire. Please see application for this breakdown.

Please note, due to the high energy and intensity of this work, I only accept a very limited number of Spiritual Advising retainers. Please fill out an application below to be invited into this work together.



 “Danielle is a truth activator. She sees straight through the limitations of who you think you are, and pinpoints who you really are on a soul level, guiding you potently to see and own your own brilliance, further deepening your greater purpose in this world and finally be able to truly love your life. Before working with Danielle, I had everything I wanted externally but I wasn’t fulfilled. There was something within me that I couldn’t identify, but I just never felt truly satisfied, no matter what next goal I achieved for myself or my family. I had invested tens of thousands of dollars in coaches, programs, healing modalities, and retreats—none of which helped me see what I was able to recognize while working with Danielle. She immediately cut to the core of it all in our very first session together, and we spent the next 9 months working deeply through my core fears that had been masked.

I developed an unshakable belief in my inner knowing, unlocked my spiritual gifting and brought it into my business, I understood how my energy really works best and mastered that to work less each week and actually get more done, and my relationship with my husband went from “great” to phenomenal. I feel fulfilled for the very first time in my life.

-Kelly M., Retired E.R. Physician & Alternative Medicine Mentor

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“At the initial consult, Danielle was asking questions about my personal/emotional, career, physical, and spiritual life. I was struggling with self-worth and didn’t even know it myself. In counseling, I had always learned the “labels” and “traditional techniques” for overcoming anxiety and depression, but Danielle identified issues beyond a “label,” and instead realized that the self-worth issue has an impact on all areas of my life. I am now in month 4 of working with Danielle, and I seriously cannot tell you how much different my life has been.

I’ve had more purpose and drive in my day to be better in my personal, physical, spiritual, and career life and taken steps in the right direction that I have never done before. It was an awakening, because I was able to solve a root issue and not a surface level issue that the world like to identify as “mental illness”. You are beautiful and made in Gods image, and she does the best job of identifying any and all ways that are prohibiting you from believing that and pursuing your dreams. Since my time with Danielle, I’ve been promoted in my career, devoted and inspired in my relationship with the Lord, inspired in my growth in my personal relationship with a man in my life, and so much more.

-Victoria Lawson, Insurance Specialist

Danielle Laura is THE most gifted intuitive I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

Her work has been positively crucial in all the steps I have taken in my life since I began working with her, and I appreciate every bit of wisdom she offers.

It is not an exaggeration to say my life would not be as amazing right now if I had not dove into work with Danielle. 

-Erin Foggoa, Award Winning Intuitive Artist


“Where do I even begin…first off, I’ve worked with the top coaches and healers in the past, but Danielle is in a league of her own-the way she combines her mentorship, healing work, intuitive insight, and therapy background is unlike anything else out there. The insight she has speaks straight to my heart, every time. What drew me to work with Danielle was her trusting and empowering energy. The first time we spoke, I felt like I was talking to my best friend, I felt “seen”. Over the 9 months I’ve worked with Danielle, I can say every part of my life has transformed for the better!

I gained complete clarity on the direction to take in my business-which is now thriving, brining in consistent $100k months with ease, working less than I ever have before and feeling truly happy for the first time in my life. Our work also opened my eyes to my true worth. I ended a relationship and gained the confidence to make decisions that honor myself, I released some major energetic blocks that I didn’t even realize had held me back for years, I let go of old patterns that were sabotaging my growth, and I’ve discovered spiritual gifts I didn’t even know I had! Best of all, I feel free to be me, because I finally understand myself. Working with Danielle has awakened me to see and feel more than I ever have before in my life. If you have the opportunity to work with Danielle, do not hesitate!!! It will change your life. I'm living proof.”

-Meghan O’Reilly, Small Business Owner


“Working with Danielle has completely transformed every area of my life…she is the real deal, the best of the best.”

-Kristin Thomas, CEO/Founder of Health & Wellness Business School

Hear Kristin’s case study below:


“Having the clarity Danielle brings is invaluable…she is someone who you would be blessed to have on your team and in your life. If you’re on the fence with working with her, get off the fence and signed up for her magic. She’s awesome, heart centered, loving, nurturing, and knows her stuff. She’s the real deal and the whole package.”

-Dan Mangena, CEO, Forbes Featured International speaker, Wall Street Journal featured "Master of Success” & 2x Best Selling Author

Hear Dan’s case study below:

This is for you if:

  • You value the potent energy of quantum leaps and collapsing time

    1. Have an unconventional energy and you desire an advisor who fully sees you, magnifies, and amplifies that within you

    2. Are ready to move from enlightenment to embodiment, adding upgraded depth and soul to your own life, business, and relationships 

    3. Having an intuitive guide and healer on hand at all times is a full resounding “yes!” sensation in your body

    4. Are passionate about depth, soul, and mastery

    5. Already have a spiritual practice 

    6. Take full responsibility for every area of your life

    7. Realize this is an aid to your life, not an escape from facing things for yourself and doing the inner work

This is NOT a good fit if:

  • You hold others responsible for your actions or results in your life

  • Want to live in your past, dim your light, or remain smaller than you’re meant for

  • Using this as an escape from doing your own inner work and actions to have what you desire

    If you’re a conscious leader ready to bridge the gap between your human and spiritual potential by mastering your intuition, spiritual gifting, relationships, and energetic blueprint for ultimate success, inner peace, prosperity, and fulfillment, apply below.

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